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(Part Two) Kids, Screens, and Schools: How worried should we be?
(Part Two) Kids, Screens, and Schools: How worried should we be?

(Part Two) Kids, Screens, and Schools: How worried should we be?

This is the second in a two-episode series on the issue of kids and screens and schools. The first episode featured Jessica Grose of the New York Times about her survey of parents about their kids’ screen use. The tenor of that episode, overall, was pretty negative on screens. Basically, less is better than more.Today on ParentData, we welcome Dr. Michael Rich, a pediatrician, child health researcher, and children’s media specialist. Dr. Rich has built his practice and research around helping families with problematic screen use, but also around providing actionable, realistic guidance to parents and families. Put simply: our kids’ lives are going to involve screens. Our job is to mentor them and help them develop a healthy relationship with devices. Even if it means watching some truly stupid YouTube videos every now and then.Subscribe to ParentData.org for free access to new articles every week on data-driven pregnancy and parenting.

(Part Two) Kids, Screens, and Schools: How worried should we be?

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