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Redefining Capabilities with Ritika Saraswat
Redefining Capabilities with Ritika Saraswat

Redefining Capabilities with Ritika Saraswat

Instagram influencer? No, a Linkedin influencer with 10k followers. In this episode, Khushi invites Ritika Saraswat, the founder of nonprofit, Redefined, UBC Kin alum, and present business analyst at Deloitte. Khushi and Ritika discuss the role of privilege and risk-taking in starting a company, comparison in the social media space, and overcoming self-doubt. She opens up about her personal journey, humble beginnings, and creating more relatable content. Hope you enjoy listening to this!  More information about Ritika Saraswat - https://www.linkedin.com/in/ritika-saraswat/ https://www.instagram.com/saraswatritika/ Redefined- https://linktr.ee/redefined11?utm_source=linktree_profile_share&ltsid=ca1add87-c3a7-4ea0-9268-f11791d104d4 Flipping Founders accounts on social media- https://www.instagram.com/flippingfounderss/ https://www.linkedin.com/company/flipping-founders/

Redefining Capabilities with Ritika Saraswat

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