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Working for a Startup as a University Student, Changing Majors from Business to Economics and Academic Validation with Alice Zhao
Working for a Startup as a University Student, Changing Majors from Business to Economics and Academic Validation with Alice Zhao

Working for a Startup as a University Student, Changing Majors from Business to Economics and Academic Validation with Alice Zhao

What is it like to work for an e-learning startup, LearnIt, as a college student? What are the best and most challenging aspects of that job? In this episode, Khushi invites UBC student Alice Zhao to discuss this in depth as well as how to make the transition for high school to university easier. She opens up about what made her want to switch from business school (Sauder) to economics and what difference it has made in her life. Khushi and Alice share their experiences with academic validation, university courses and much more! Fun Fact- The founder of LearnIt will be sharing his story in the episodes to come Enjoy listening to this episode:) Episode Resources Alice Zhao https://www.instagram.com/alicekzhao/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/alicekzhao/ LearnIt https://linktr.ee/learn_it?utm_source=linktree_profile_share&ltsid=dc54d7e0-e7b1-4cd5-a21a-f86c01c0c509 Flipping Founders https://www.instagram.com/flippingfounderss/?hl=en https://www.instagram.com/khushhisethi/?hl=en https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcvjOYlgiHsRaVtWhpWgOUA

Working for a Startup as a University Student, Changing Majors from Business to Economics and Academic Validation with Alice Zhao

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