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EP30: The Fear of Loneliness - You’re Not Alone in Feeling Alone!
EP30: The Fear of Loneliness - You’re Not Alone in Feeling Alone!

EP30: The Fear of Loneliness - You’re Not Alone in Feeling Alone!

In this episode, we are delving into a common insecurity of your 20s: the fear of loneliness. Have you ever felt alone in a crowded room? Ever wished for deeper connections? Are you grappling with the fear of being alone forever? Or do you find solace in your own company? In this episode, we will explore:What loneliness means to us in our 20s?When do we tend to feel the most lonely?DO we tend to avoid or confront loneliness when we feel it? How are we working to overcome this fear?You’re not alone in feeling alone! Tune in to join the conversation and gain insights into navigating the fear of loneliness in your 20s! ***Emergency support contactIf you need resources or support, go to beyondblue.org or call Lifeline 13 11 14 with access to 24-hour crisis support and suicide prevention services. If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, please contact your local emergency services.***Connect with usInstagram: @WHYinyour20s.podcast ***DisclaimerThe information, opinions, and recommendations presented in this podcast are for general information purposes only and should not be considered professional advice. If you need specific advice regarding medical and mental health or any other areas, please seek professional advice licence or knowledgeable in those respective areas and consult your healthcare professional.

EP30: The Fear of Loneliness - You’re Not Alone in Feeling Alone!

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