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EP36: Friendship in our 20s - What are we looking for in a friendship?
EP36: Friendship in our 20s - What are we looking for in a friendship?

EP36: Friendship in our 20s - What are we looking for in a friendship?

In this episode, we are exploring the world of adult friendships. Have you ever wondered how your first impressions of your friends differ from your impression of them now? What makes a friendship truly special? Ever felt lost in the world of adult friendships? Friendship in the adult world is a whole new game - it’s no longer about the childhood friend you’ve known since kindergarten or your college roommate who became your lifelong companion. Making new friends can be challenging, and knowing what you’re looking for in a friendship is even harder.In this episode, we will explore:Our first impression on each other vs Now. What are things we are grateful for in our friendships?What values are we looking for in friendships? How do we meet new people? Tune in for a fun conversation exploring friendship in your 20s! ***Emergency support contactIf you need resources or support, go to beyondblue.org or call Lifeline 13 11 14 with access to 24-hour crisis support and suicide prevention services. If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, please contact your local emergency services.***Connect with usInstagram: @WHYinyour20s.podcast***DisclaimerThe information, opinions, and recommendations presented in this podcast are for general information purposes only and should not be considered professional advice. If you need specific advice regarding medical and mental health or any other areas, please seek professional advice licence or knowledgeable in those respective areas and consult your healthcare professional.

EP36: Friendship in our 20s - What are we looking for in a friendship?

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