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#101: Yearly Reflection Prompts Before Starting New Year
#101: Yearly Reflection Prompts Before Starting New Year

#101: Yearly Reflection Prompts Before Starting New Year

Pernah tak you to question yourself about a reflection? Why do we really need a reflection in order to improve ourselves? Actually, reflection is super impactful if you buat dengan cara yang betul. And, if you tanya dengan soalan-soalan yang betul. Dalam episod kalini, I share a few soalan yang you boleh cuba tanya dekat diri you during your reflection time. Hopefully it'll help you and your future. Btw, if you’re a business owner looking to improve how you work, checkout my latest product, Planning Tool Kit (PTK) here → https://keretmeraki.com/toolkit (Use coupon code PTAPTK10 for 10% OFF)

#101: Yearly Reflection Prompts Before Starting New Year

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